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16 juillet 2005


Depuis qq jours j'avais des boutons sur le tout le corps et bien ils on viraient au rose et se sont transformes en plaque. Cela est du a des punaise de lits. J'en suis recouverte de la tete au pied, j'en ai meme sur les paupieres et je me retrouve dans le debut de ce parcours initiatique bien mal en point car demain je dois prendre mon avion pour l'alaska et connaissant nos amis americqains (terme ironique) j'ai bien peur de me faire arreter a la douane et refouler a detroit. Il va falloir que je me couvre de la tete au pied pour cacher mes morsures mais si mes paupieres sont toutes bouffies...En plus c chauffe et gratte beaucoup.

Ces fichus animaux Sophie les avait deja eus et ils sont tres tenaces. Ils se cachient dans les fissures du lit et dans le matelat, plinte, etc... Conclusion j'ai du passer toutes mes affaires a la secheuse sur tres chaud pour tuer les eventuelles larves et je passe cette merveilleuse journee a faire ca et a etudier ma paupiere boursouflee , sans la grattait,et me demandait comment je vais reussir a atteindre l'alaska sans probleme a la douane. C'est la cata grave. le docteur que j'ai vu m'a donne des cahcets mais je ne sens pas vraiment l'effet et je crois tout simplement qu'avec plus de 200 piqures sur tout le corps je fais simplement une reaction tres allergique et que passer 12 houres habilles en manche longue va etre un supplice insoutenable. Ensuite comment bosser dans ces conditions une fois sur place. je m'en vais de ce pas appeler mon correspondant la-bas. Souhaiter moi bonne chance et du courage et de la patience car CA GRATTE...

For the past few days I have been covered in spots, all over my entire boday and they started turning red and nasty 2 days ago, being itchy and occasioning rashes. My friends i have been staying with had bedbugs, well she still does, and I have been bitten 200+ times. It is painful and even my eyelids are swollen. I am in a nightmarish situation where I can picture myself being turned down at the american migration counter after they inspected my body. I will have to wear long pants and sleeves to hide away the worst of it and hope my eyelids haven't swollen so much i can't see or they will start asking odd questions: have you taken any illicit substance, are you carrying any drugs, insects, animals of any sorts. mmmm I may be carrying potential larvae of bedbugs... Well guess if i put some make up as pinpointed remy, sophie's friend with whom i am staying at the moment., they won't notice my eyelids...

What a great start to this adventure on my own. i just hope the ending can be better than the start and that the pain will disappear soon. i have my green bebees given to me by the doctor I visited this morning and must be patient for the results. What is my body trying to tell me...Don't go, stay home you're not made for adventures, well f**** him I am going anyway even if it hurts. I am a tough girl!!!! Wish me luck in not scatrching as it is SO ITCHY

Thanx. It's feeling much better now. I am still looking like I just had chicken pox ;) but nobody sees me and as it is raining here a fair bit I am constantly wearing long sleeves and pants so don't look like an arse.<br /> <br /> Hope you're well and I want those pics ofyour bedroom walls.
omg that's so feral! Your friend should be ashamed of herself letting you sleep in bug infested bedding! I really hope the medication helps. Try zinc cream on the scabs, this will help soothe the skin and heal the scabs a little faster. Hugs to my little frenchy!<br /> <br /> Skip