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28 août 2006

Search for a good cause- Recherches utiles

How many times have you used Google or a search engine onthe Internet to find what you are looking for? Did you knowby searching you could possibly donate money via a searchengine? The Global Volunteer Network is now linked with 'Good Search'.It is a...
5 août 2006

Endless summer- Scooter 1996

There is a definition of summer, a sense of bright light, clear water, friends, jokes and general good times that I have had since early childhood. I used to loop back to this beach in the South of France, meet the same friends, go crab fishing, swim...
22 août 2006

Minor Majority

Une petite parenthese concernant un week-end passe il y a de cela 15 jours deja alors qu'Om etait encore avec moi. Je vous rappelle que je viens en norvege depuis deja 6 ans et que j'y ai travaille quand j'etais encore toute jeunette pendant 3 mois, un...
24 avril 2005

Home: qu'il fait bon vivre chez soi

Home: qu'il fait bon vivre chez soi
L'entree classique:style scandinave moderno-romantique Sortie de secours: "Hanging in mid-air" Notre escalier rutilant des 2 derniers jours, l'homme moderne se contente de peu et la femme moderne rumine
5 octobre 2005


This is the sweet little warrior princess Xena I used to hang out with at home and who passed away about one week ago...May she rest in peace... Photo de ma petite xena, chatounette avec qui je me comfortais le soir et qui est morte il y a de cela une...
4 octobre 2005


Je suis retournee sur Girdwood pour une journee du samedi au dimanche et je voulais juste vous montrer c'est quoi une station de ski alaskienne en bord de mer...
25 novembre 2005

Ally in Bremen

Ally in Bremen
With 2 weeks delay here are the pics of my first visitor Allyson, she should now be in Venise Italy and we have ahd a great time together. Come back anytime girl...
27 juillet 2005


I am so BUSY...Been in the field again ...but I wanted to share home with you guys...1 pic is worth a thousand words for me sometimes... Pier from the house
29 décembre 2006

Little pieces of Norway

Little pieces of Norway
Glistening jewels dangling from the tip of frozen branches, diamonds reverberating sun's amber light. Norway in the winter time...
21 décembre 2006

Old times

Old times
Old memories, il fut un temps....Love lingering there from time to time....reformatting hardrive and deleting masses of pictures today...Wanted to share this fleeting happy moment....snapshot..
4 octobre 2005


Kenai Peninsula going aerial...My flight in a small aircraft last week in pics... Glacial waters Kenai River meanders Skilak Lake Kenai River Exit Glacier
26 juillet 2006

The happy planet index

The happy planet index
I discovered a rather interesting site and I would suggest that you go do this test yourself to calculate your index of human weel-being and environmental impact, not that you have too, but my results where rather shocking...human wise, environmentally...
19 juin 2006

Southern Haven- Family times

 Southern Haven- Family times
Scorching sun on my skin The last family Wedding Soon we will be there, very soon...
25 mai 2006

Notre ile vue du ciel

Notre ile vue du ciel
Notre coin de Paradis vu du mat, par beau temps. Paradise island seen from the mast, on a sunny day.
24 février 2006

Food for thoughts

Food for thoughts
Il n'y a personne qui soit née sous une mauvaise étoile, il n'y a que des gens qui ne savent pas lire le ciel. [ Dalaï Lama ]
2 juin 2008

Exiern- Comic online

Exiern- Comic online I am addicted to that cartoon, sarcastic tone, awesome plot, piss-taking, drawing in itself is sketchy but it has the undefinable characteristic of making me laugh out loud and that is very very rare those days.
13 février 2008

For the creativity in you

For the creativity in you
OK, for all of you who are artists or wannabees, who would like to make different type of TV shows ..... GO CHECK IT OUT and join us in this search for 2500 executive producers.
16 avril 2007


Reminder of 2 girls, one german the other french, 2 videos involving heavy subtitles, a difficult dutch audio system and a long long night....
27 janvier 2007


17 avril 2007

"Men have forgotten this truth," said the fox. You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed" St-Exupery

"Men have forgotten this truth," said the fox. You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed" St-Exupery
17 juin 2006


That's it folks, we have opened our new shared web-space dedicated to the building, changes, construction, technical ramblings and general worrie or joys that will derive from AURYN, our Floating home. To get there simply click on the title below:) A...
19 juillet 2006


LOVE_web Video sent by Oceanomads Snaps, very short, of the 2006 Love parade. A 5 minutes video letting you grasp what it meant to be there!!!! Music raw, crowd surrounding us and camera (real ones) shooting until dawn. ENJOY
29 mars 2006

Controversial statements

I have been looking for some reactions to the film, controversial at best, here is "la creme de la creme": From America, left wing From America, right wing Blog post by average you and me
26 octobre 2005

Arrival in country land

I am safely in an internet cafe...will write more later guys....
27 septembre 2005


A little blog for Seelie. I was on the net and found this and in no time I was back in Norway with you and Jon-Inge
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