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25 août 2006

CRABS- Judson jerome

If you were to leave burlap bag, bunching and clicking full of live crabs, on the beach , tied at the top, stuffed with shifting shells inside its sag, each sticky stalk-eyed blind and tender. claws pinching claws-or nothing.clacking, hard, hollow bodies...
18 août 2006

Time machine

As for the past few days they have stretched in time as 2 long weeks in my mind. I went up to Oslo, to feel the vibe of a city and understand what being a fresher ( The week before the start of a new year is called "Freshers' Week" at many universities,...
27 août 2006


Cutting my own hair this morning, the scissors went quickly through the mass, I refrained myself from cutting more, might do that next time.Then a cycling tour round the island to Hvasser, avoided two downpours by hiding under random porches. Sun, sky,...
11 août 2006


Il est des matins ou je me reveille encore bercee par les reves de la nuit precedente, ils virevoltent tendrement et se posent sur mon epaule proche tout en etant lointain, une vague qui disparait des que mes yeux s'ouvrent, bribes intarissables. Ces...
13 juin 2006


Sun is omnipresent, my hands and face are brown like a gardener from working on an island of the coast of Germany Langeoog, as a trial with the University. It was fun even if it reinforced the thoughts I had brewed over deep inside. I have declined the...
4 juillet 2006

Resume 1- photos later

Back from an intermede in southern France, Cote D'azur and Charente maritime. Take a glass and mix in accordingly, your other half, entire family (which for myself is composed of 6 persons directly related), sunstrokes on my skin, slow death in 28 degres...
2 avril 2006

Topi land

Topi means red-neck and it's the nickname of that German region we live in. We learned that yesterday. Kinda like Soldotna basically. I dreamed of Alaska last night. It was a vivid dream and I was pregnant.Really out of place. The woods and mountains,...
25 mai 2006

Who are you?

I have noticed some people reaching this webpage, randomly, and going through quite a few photo albums or pages? I am wondering, as noone (Well most of you) seems to bother commenting, did you actually find what you were looking for??? I guess not, as...
17 mai 2006

Life is a question mark on the horizon

There has been a rather filled life to prevent me from writing here. Euhhh really, truly, I would simply say we sailed the boat over here a fortnight ago with some discomfort as it was raining, cold and we encountered some sandbanks but all in all I enjoyed...
1 avril 2006

Drifter stories, Spring BBQ

There is a definite sense of feeling in the right pot, the perfect mix of expats. Lighting up a Bbq in Mars, with random germans looking over the water towards all this agitation, most likely pondering what the heck was happening at this time of day (19ish)...
25 mai 2006

You never saw a fish on the wall with its mouth shut.SALLY BERGER

I guess not (see quote). I have been waiting to be sure of what the future held for me, hence the Silence like a fish on a wall. Espen is here for 3 years and I thought i had found a perfect job but it seems to be taking me to "les chemins de traverse"...
12 août 2005


As I am sitting alone in the office, waiting for Tara's mum to come pick me up, I thought I could finish telling you my little week-end down by Kenai lake. Tents were sprawled all over the beach and bonfires started lighting up in the summer night. I...
4 mai 2007

"A vacation is what you take when you can no longer take what you've been taking. "Earl WIlson

Have had bad dreams for the past week, it started a day before we left Gib, I woke up drenched in sweat, like a drowned kitten hanging to the blankie for his life, vivid images throbbing, anguish, fear , shame any awkward feelings intertwinned in a bundle...
20 août 2005

Account None

I am feeling like I have no time ahead of me. I wanted to sum up for you my trip to Denal national park last week but between work and Social life, there has been absolutely no time to sit down and download pictures or write accounts of facts... So I...
4 mai 2007

Can an atheist get insurance against acts of God?

Andalousia, a place of hidden truth that contains part of my past, of my family, a place I promised myself never to approach until I was ready. I have dreamed about it, enhanced it into a vivid colourful wonderous place, pondering how it would all be...
1 mai 2007

"Well, Gibraltar is a place which you either love or hate. I quite like it. It's a rock, that's essentially what it is" Nigel

How to put it a mind blowing and physically exhausting week. I will expand on it in a couple of days. Right now, have to settle in front of this screen to prepare for my job interview tomorrow and spend our last day with the cat who is deliberately leaving...
10 avril 2008

Insomnia in the midst of spring...

As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish...
10 avril 2007

A duck for breakfeast and one for dinner.

Sunday morning, brightness in a pot unfolding all around, azur sky glittering above the field...what else could I ever desire, nature (tamed but who is kidding) wearing a white alpaga suit, sipping a mojito with it's shirt collar wide open....
1 octobre 2005


My last week-end in Soldotna. I might pop up to Anchorage on saturday night if I can catch a ride with Stef from work but nothing is sure...So, for once I am actually sitting in bed on a friday night, not out listening to bands or in bars chatting, or...
15 avril 2007

Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.

I used to have visions, actions on the contrary not necessarily matched those visions. Lazyness, Slackness of mind and spirit, fear of judgement and a sense of guilt coming out of nowhere. It took me many years, lost friends due to my own selfshiness...
14 mai 2007

“After your death you will be what you were before your birth.” Arthur Schopenhauer

Once upon a time, there was a pot, a duck and a nest....the nest full of eggs except for one shell broken, the duck is gone and along the edge of the ponton, floating upside down I found it, what was supposed to be a new life, a little corpse, head down,...
22 mars 2007

Ensnared enlightenment

Throughout days that linger in a sensual and dangerously city like death, I surrender to my old life; encrouch in a run that takes me to consumerism and globalisation, I nibble forbidden treasures found in the dusty cellar, read french authors aloud as...
30 août 2006

Willing Hostage

Been taken hostage by a wonderful 93 year old lady. Do not call the cops or worry. Everything is fine, I cook for her, make conversation and in exchange I get free knitting sessions and norwegian language courses. On my way to the store to buy ingredients...
28 août 2006

Petit mail a la blogosphere francaise

Si j'ai commence un blog, il y a de cela deja un an quand meme, le temps passe a une vitesse grand V, c'est a cause ou grace; selon le choix; a un blogeur hors pair qui m'avait de par ses ecrits fait chavirer et m'a poussee, sans rien dire, a my mettre....
26 août 2006


Last night I experienced what being in Eastender would be like (not a figure of speech). You know that local pub, only place where all the locals meet up may they be 18 or 60. As I sat mostly sober (only mixed very light drinks before going out, I knew...
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